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Unions put pressure on UPM customers as Europe faces paper shortage

17 February, 2022Europe is running out of paper because Finnish forestry giant UPM refuses to negotiate with unions representing striking workers. The strike, which has been extended until at least 12 March, is costing the company up to €20 million per week and risks causing a supply chain crisis.

UPM cuts down collective bargaining in Finland

15 December, 2021Finnish multinational forestry, pulp and paper company UPM has refused to negotiate a company-wide collective contract, weeks before the expiry of the national sectoral agreement.

Finnish forest company UPM attacks workers’ fundamental rights

19 March, 2021One month after promises to conduct collective bargaining, the Finnish forest industry company UPM, announced in the beginning of February 2021 that it would no longer negotiate collectively on wages, bonuses, sick leave pay, maternity or paternity leaves thus violating its workers fundamental rights at work. The company employees demand that the terms of their work should be negotiated collectively with the unions representing them.

Finnish paper strike solid as UPM refuses to negotiate

27 January, 2022The bitter dispute at the Finnish forestry, pulp and paper company UPM threatens to drag on as the strike, which began on 1 January, has been extended until 19 February. 2,200 workers at all UPM business units are on strike, with dockers and railway workers showing solidarity by refusing to handle the company’s goods.

Global unions warn UPM shareholders of investment risk

25 March, 2022IndustriALL Global Union, UNI Global Union and the Building and Wood Workers’ International have written to UPM shareholders and investors ahead of the annual general meeting on 29 March to warn that the company’s anti-union stance is an investment risk.