White-collar workers in a changing world of work23 December, 2020The Covid-19 outbreak is changing how we work and white collar workers are particularly affected. For white-collar workers, the future of work has already arrived and unions have to address the changes.
Organizing white-collar workers15 November, 2019Building union power through organizing is a key priority for IndustriALL Global Union. Organizing helps to achieve our key goals, including a living wage, limits on precarious work, respect for human and trade union rights, healthier and safer workplaces, and more equitable societies.
3,000 white-collar paper workers in Finland to strike 12 January, 2018***UPDATE*** On Monday 15 January, IndustriALL Global Union's Finnish affilaite, Pro, scored a victory after steadfast resistance from its members. Both trade union Pro and employers’ association, Finnish Forest Industries, approved the mediation proposal of the National Conciliator for the paper sector’s white-collar employees to increase salaries, and all strike actions were immediately cancelled. Pro succeeded in securing a pay rise for workers and resisted employers' demands to weaken the industry-wide collective agreement.
White-collar world conference reveals urgent need to organize20 April, 2017IndustriALL Global Union affiliates from 18 countries around the world met in Geneva, Switzerland, for the White-Collar World Conference on 19 and 20 April.
Unite appeals for solidarity with Fujitsu UK workers20 April, 2017IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, Unite, is appealing for solidarity action in support of Fujitsu workers in the UK, as the company plans to axe 1,800 jobs.
New issue of Global Worker out now! 9 December, 2015The sixth issue of IndustriALL publication Global Worker is out now. Among other things, read about the industry where more workers are killed on the job than anywhere else, how superheroes can be used to organize more members, and the next generation of trade unionists.
Organizing non-manual workers in a digital world15 October, 2015IndustriALL Global Union is continuing its work with non-manual workers, with the third meeting of Office in your Pocket on 19 and 20 November 2015 in Barcelona.
Organizing white-collar workers10 February, 2015The IndustriALL Non-Manual Group met on 10 and 11 December 2014 near São Paulo at CNM-CUT headquarters to work on the issue of organizing non-manual and white-collar workers.
Present in the office – yes or no?8 December, 2014Microsoft recently abolished the requirement that staff be present at the office. The possibility of working in the home office is being offered more and more by German companies too. But how efficient is working at home?
UNI Holds Professionals and Managers’ Conference14 March, 2014On 10 and 11 March UNI organized a conference for professionals and managers (P & M) in Nyon, Switzerland. The situation still prevails that the resistance against organizing P & M’s has to be overcome. In the future most working people will not necessarily be managers but certainly professionals. If we want to continue to have unions in the future, we will need P & M’s. We must be able to organize P & M’s. There is no difference between UNI and IndustriALL in this area. In the meantime the limits between services and industry are no longer very clear-cut.