Los Mineros challenge election results at PKC Mexico25 October, 2012Los Mineros of Mexico achieved an impressive proportion of the workers’ ballot at Finnish auto parts multinational PKC, narrowly losing to protection union CTM after three months of vicious intimidation and threats in complicity with PKC management.
Finnish company PKC ignores court ruling and fails to reinstate workers in Mexico14 July, 2016“We give our complete support to the workers at Arneses y Accesorios,” announced IndustriALL Mexican affiliate Los Mineros in solidarity with workers fired by Finish-based electronics company PKC.
No going back! SUTEIVP's six years of struggle for the reinstatement of workers at Vidriera del Potosí29 January, 2014On 26 January, the Mexican trade union SUTIEVP, and IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, commemorated six years of struggle by 33 workers who are demanding their jobs back at Industria Vidriera del Potosí, a subsidiary of Grupo Modelo - AB InBev. The workers were dismissed by the company in 2008, in complicity with the corrupt labour authorities in order to weaken the independent trade union.
Mexico Actions 20135 February, 2013List of actions by IndustriALL affiliates demanding union rights in Mexico
Stop attacks on trade unions in Mexico6 February, 2013Unite the Union holds a public meeting in London at 18:00 to 19:30 on 20 February 2013 on trade union rights in Mexico
60,000 workers march through Mexico City7 February, 2013The 31 January mass demonstration brought together working people and activists from many sectors including mining, energy, aviation, teaching, telephone and agriculture calling for a new economic and political direction for Mexico.
Norwegian action on Mexico28 February, 2013Mexico has no embassy in Norway, so Fellesforbundet has led other kinds of activities in connection with the Mexico Days of Action:
Japan's unions add their weight to Mexico action28 February, 2013On 22 February, a delegation from IndustriALL affiliates of Japan (JCM, IndustriALL・JAF, UA Zensen) handed over a letter to Mexican embassy, calling on the below demands and discussed the labor situation in Mexico.
Trinidad & Tobago trade unionists meet Mexican ambassador21 February, 2013IndustriALL's proud affiliate from Trinidad and Tobago, the Oilfields Workers' Trade Union (OWTU) stood in solidarity with Mexican workers during the global action.
Symbolic Napoleón Gómez victory moves IndustriALL6 December, 2013In both opening and closing this week’s Executive Committee, to resounding applause from the EC members, President Huber welcomed Napoleón Gómez Urrutia to address the EC in person. This was Napoleón's his first trip outside Canada since he was forced into exile in 2005.