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Showing 21-30 of 144 results

FEATURE: What are we fighting for?

13 November, 2019There are hundreds of millions of unionized workers around world. Do we share a common vision?

Welcome to Global Worker

15 November, 20192019 is coming to an end, but IndustriALL continues to fight for an economic and social model that puts people first. Together with our affiliated unions we challenge the power of multinational companies, while globally, anti-union behaviour by governments and employers becomes more prevalent.

The role of Uruguayan unions in the ratification of C190

18 June, 2020Uruguay was the first country in the world to ratify International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 190 to end violence and harassment in the world of work. IndustriALL affiliated unions played a leading role in bringing about the ratification.

Women in STEM: a challenge for trade unions

15 June, 2020STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Addressing gender gaps and protecting women in STEM is among one of the most urgent challenges for trade unions today.  

SPECIAL REPORT: Changing the balance of power in the textile and garment industry

8 December, 2020In the factories where textiles, garments, shoes, leather and accessories are produced, millions of people toil in insecure, low wage jobs, in unsafe conditions. Workers are exposed to chemicals used for bleaching and dyeing. Disasters like the Rana Plaza collapse and the Ali Enterprises fire kill thousands. Union campaigns on workers’ rights have shone a light on union busting, imprisonment, assault and occasionally murder. 


23 April, 2021Trade unions have only been allowed in Myanmar since 2012, when the country took its first steps away from a military regime towards democracy. However, in February this year, the military took back power in a coup d’état.   

SPECIAL REPORT: Campaigning for safer working conditions in Zimbabwe’s artisanal and small-scale mining

6 May, 2021Campaigns by trade unions, civil society organizations and mine affected communities for the formalization of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) are meant to end the deadly working conditions of the miners in Zimbabwe. In addition, formalization will introduce decent working conditions.

FEATURE: Union busting, IndustriALL affiliates under attack

24 April, 2018Union busting is arguably the biggest threat to trade unions the world over. As unions come under attack from companies, governments and corrupt judiciaries, union-busting tactics are becoming increasingly sophisticated and no less severe

REPORT: Why unions must take the lead to end violence against women

12 June, 2018IndustriALL Global Union’s campaign to end violence in the workplace has been embraced by affiliates all over the world since it launched in November 2017. More than 55 unions from from the USA to Turkey, and South Africa to the Philippines have taken IndustriALL’s pledge to end violence against women, recognizing their role in preventing abuse in the workplace and in unions.

INTERVIEW: Beauty Zibula

9 January, 2020From factory to parliament in South Africa.