Global effort to uphold and advance LGBTI rights needed1 July, 2024A webinar hosted by the Council of Global Unions LGBTI Coordinating Committee, which was attended by 175 people on 26 June, brought together speakers from the United Nations, trade unions and civil rights groups. The event, "Forward despite the backlash: LGBTI rights and the freedom of association," delved into the complexities of advocating for LGBTI rights in the face of increasing global restrictions on freedom of association and expression, and the current anti-LGBTI backlash.
Lesotho: enhancing safety and inclusiveness at work27 June, 2024Unions in Lesotho are supporting a project on safe and inclusive work environments which will focus on occupational health and safety and ending gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH).
The fight for ratification of C190 must continue20 June, 2024June marks five years since the adoption of the International Labour Organization’s Convention (ILO C190) to end violence and harassment in the workplace. This landmark Convention presents a significant opportunity for unions to advance their fight against gender-based violence, and IndustriALL and its affiliates are campaigning vigorously for its ratification.
IDAHOBIT: No comrade left behind 17 May, 2024STATEMENT CGU: The International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), celebrated on 17 May, is an opportunity for the trade union movement across the globe to (re)affirm our commitment to solidarity with LGBTI+ people and communities increasingly under siege. No comrade should be left behind in our fight for equality, justice and freedom for all.
Uniting for justice for ALL workers16 May, 2024As we approach the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), IndustriALL is taking the opportunity to put the spotlight on a valuable resource, published in January, created for unions to support LGBTI workers.
Namibian unions fight for gender equality 13 March, 2024Namibian unions say that in Africa it is out of the ordinary to find a gender equality activist at national government’s top level. But when that happens, it provides greater opportunities for unions to engage with government in their fight for gender equality and women workers’ rights.
#NoExcuse7 March, 2024In November 2023, IndustriALL Global Union's Executive Committee endorsed a new policy on gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH), misogyny and sexism. This initiative reflects the commitment, as stated in IndustriALL’s 2021 Congress, to uphold a zero-tolerance stance on GBVH and any violation of human and women's rights within its operations and associated activities.
Reviving IndustriALL Cambodia women’s committee22 February, 2024On 20 February, the IndustriALL Cambodia womens’ committee announced plans to boost their efforts to fight for women's rights now that the Covid-19 pandemic is winding down.
IndustriALL calls for proactive prevention to eliminate violence against women24 November, 2023On this 25 november, the International day for the Elimination of Violence against women, IndustriALL calls for proactive prevention against gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH).
Mining unions prioritize building power along critical minerals supply chains 30 October, 2023The IndustriALL mining sector conducted a three-day-round of global meetings elaborating the main agenda items surrounding the industry. The last meeting on 26 October 2023 gave a particular strategic attention to critical raw materials as they are at the front edge of the energy transition with opportunities and challenges to workers and their unions.