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Showing 5291-5300 of 5851 results

Struggle continues for ISMACO and DESA workers in Turkey

28 February, 2013On 23 February, the Leather Workers’ Union of Turkey, an affiliate of IndustriALL Global Union, gathered in protest of the continuing union busting at the leather factory, DESA and the textile factory, ISMACO.

Chilean trade union leader shot dead

28 February, 2013Chilean workers and trade unions have protested at the murder of a trade union leader and demanded truth and the punishment of those responsible.

Swedes mark Mexico days of action

28 February, 2013IndustriALL Global Union’s Swedish-based affiliate IF Metall, representing 370,000 blue collar workers in mining, metal, chemical and textile sectors, marked the international days of action for trade union rights in Mexico with a comprehensive meeting with the Mexican Ambassador to Sweden, Jorge Lomónaco, and a strong letter to President Peña Nieto, putting forward demands in line with the international campaign.

Zambian government seizes Collum Mine over poor working conditions

28 February, 2013The Zambian government has emphasized that the take over is not nationalism, but due to non compliance with labour laws, safety and environmental standards and non payment of royalties at the previously state-owned coal mine.

Ghana proposes criminalizing scrap metal export

28 February, 2013Industrial & Commercial Workers' Union (ICU) fully supports a government proposal to make the export of scrap metal a criminal offense in order to protect local industries.

Attack at Cerrejón coal mine

27 February, 2013The Oreganal pit at the Colombian Cerrejón coal mine was targeted in a terrorist attack at two o'clock in the morning of Sunday 24 February, damaging several lorries owned by Carbones del Cerrejón Limited, and causing millions of pesos worth of damage.

Workplace information spreading on situation in Mexico

27 February, 2013MCA-UGT oversees distribution of the leaflet in support of Mexican workers in Gerdau plant located in Villalba, Madrid, Spain. See photos attached.

Nigerian unions to work together to organize workers

27 February, 2013Nigerian affiliates came together to form the Nigeria IndustriALL coordinating committee to oversee the organizing of workers in the sectors represented by IndustriALL.

World Bank reviews labour rights safeguard

27 February, 2013The World Bank has announced a series of upcoming consultations on social and environmental safeguards. National unions are encouraged to take part, in order to urge the Bank to adopt a comprehensive labour rights safeguard.

Families of Bangladesh fire victims get compensation

24 February, 2013On 24 February 2013 Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina handed out compensation to the families of fire victims at Smart Fashion factory of 26 January 2013. The agreement was negotiated by the IndustriALL Regional Office, IndustriALL Bangladesh Council of trade unions (IBC) and brands Inditex and New Look.