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Showing 5221-5230 of 5699 results

Fighting forward for a sustainable future in the shipbuilding and shipbreaking industry

27 November, 2018IndustriALL Global Union shipbuilding and shipbreaking unions adopted an action plan for 2019-2022 and agreed to promote safety and sustainable industrial policy and to develop trade union networks in multinational corporations.

Beyond Bangladesh, OECD countries must act to save lives in the garment industry

27 August, 2018On 24 April 2013, the world woke up to the reality of garment factory conditions in Bangladesh when more than a thousand workers were killed and over two thousand injured after the Rana Plaza garment factory complex, supplying western brands, collapsed. 

Mexican union leader, Napoleón Gómez Urrutia, sworn in as senator

30 August, 2018IndustriALL Global Union marked a historic moment as Mexican union leader, Napoleón Gómez Urrutia, returned to his country after 12 years in exile to be sworn in as senator, in a ceremony in Mexico City on 29 August. 

Brazilian trade unions and social movements hold day of action against pensions reform

20 March, 2017More than one million workers from all sectors joined forces on 15 March to strike or protest at labour and pensions reforms that threaten their rights.

Indian unions call to strengthen international solidarity

9 May, 2017The IndustriALL India Council welcomed Valter Sanches, General Secretary of IndustriALL Global Union, and called on Indian affiliate unions to intensify efforts to defend workers’ rights in supply chains and build global solidarity.

Meeting calls for an end to violence against women mineworkers

9 May, 2017At an IndustriALL AngloGold Ashanti Global Network meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa, on 5 May, affiliates from Argentina, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ghana, Guinea, South Africa and Tanzania agreed to intensify their campaign against rape, murder and sexual harassment of women mine workers.

Ongoing strike at Fletcher Insulation, Australia

4 May, 2017The strike at Fletcher Insulation Australia’s Dandenong site in Victoria has now reached over 70 days, and is continuing.

German steelworkers raise their voice

12 April, 2016On 11 April, around 45,000 German steelworkers rallied in different cities all over Germany for the future of Europe’s steel industry. 

IndustriALL warns Argentina not to weaken labour laws

23 March, 2016On a visit to Argentina, IndustriALL general secretary Jyrki Raina warned the new government not to weaken labour laws and social protection, as a sustained economic crisis threatens jobs in the country.

Global federations collaborate against job losses in the North Sea

27 May, 2016Unions affiliated to IndustriALL and the ITF met in Aberdeen to develop a common strategy to resist the assault on quality jobs by employers in the North Sea.