Millions march against violence against women in India22 January, 2013In a historical protest against sexual violence against women hundreds of thousands of angry women and men spontaneously gathered in the streets in India, following the brutal 16 December gang rape and murder of a 23 year old student in Delhi.
Thank you Hans 22 January, 2013At the end of 2012, Hans Schwass ended his involvement in the ICEM / IndustriALL HIV/AIDS project work.
Colombian workers unite to build a stronger union22 January, 2013Colombian IndustriALL affiliate Sintracarbón is currently putting forward equal treatment for precarious workers as a key demand in its negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement with Carbones del Cerrejón, the world’s largest open-pit set of coal mines.
Acerías Paz del Río workers in Colombia demand improved working conditions22 January, 2013The Brazilian transnational company Votorantim, which owns 70 per cent of Acerías Paz del Río, has imposed precarious working conditions and outsourced work. In response, the Sintra Paz del Río union is demanding improved conditions for workers and their families.
Paraguayans oppose Rio Tinto plans22 January, 2013At the end of 2012, Paraguayans demonstrated against the government’s decision to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the company. Some business sectors have also indicated their opposition to the project and have shown little interest in investing in the proposed industrial park.
Intimidation of leaders during collective bargaining at Carbones del Cerrejón22 January, 2013IndustriALL Global Union has written to the Colombian president to protest at the threats made against the leaders of Sintracarbón trade union, who are negotiating with the company over working conditions.
European Parliament adopts resolution on factory fires22 January, 2013European Parliament passes resolution on recent textile factory fires in South Asia, calling on the Bangladeshi and Pakistani governments to investigate, ensure health and safety compliance, establish independent inspection systems and lift restrictions on trade union activities.
Mobilizing for social justice22 January, 2013The citizens of the world want affordable health care, pensions, education, childcare and security against unemployment. Unions have to be political actors and mobilize to fight for an economic and social model that puts people first.
Mexico Days of Action 18-24 February 201321 January, 2013The IndustriALL Global Union Executive Committee made the commitment to mobilize internationally for trade union rights in Mexico during the week 18-24 February 2013.
Numsa opposes proposed electricity tariff hikes18 January, 2013Numsa has rejected Eskoms’ proposal to the South African energy regulator for a 16 per cent increase each year for the next five years, raising concerns that workers and the poor will ultimately pay the price.