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From union congress resolution to new law in Albania

1 July, 2019At its congress in 2017, IndustriALL Albanian affiliate SPMSH passed a resolution calling for an increase in pensions for underground workers, to bring them into line with those received by the military. Earlier this month, the resolution became national law.

Albanian hydroelectric workers protest unfair dismissals

10 June, 2021Workers at the Ulëz and Shkopet hydroelectric plants of Kürüm International have taken strike action after the company used restructuring plans to dismiss workers in violation of the collective agreement.

Albanian cement workers celebrate signing a collective agreement in Elbasan

29 July, 2021On 26 July, after three months of negotiations, the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Albania (SPMSH), an affiliate of IndustriALL Global Union, signed a collective labour agreement with management of the Elbasan Cement Factory.

Albanian oil workers win unpaid wages after strike action

4 January, 2018Workers at an oil refinery in Ballsh in southwest Albania took action to demand two months of unpaid wages and insurance, as well as 13 months of wages missing from previous years’ settlements.


9 October, 2015Albanian affiliates of IndustriALL Global Union took joint action to mark World Day for Decent Work. The action focussed specifically on the Beralb mining company following its mass suspension of operations costing 300 jobs.

Albanian union saves 300 mining jobs

29 February, 2016IndustriALL affiliate the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Albania (SPMSH) saves 300 jobs in the Puka region.

Albanian unions and employers want collective agreement

2 April, 2019The textile, clothing, leather and shoe industries in Albania employ 51,000 workers, to which tens of thousands of informal workers can be added. Living wages and a unionised workforce are needed for a sustainable future for the country’s garment sector.

Exploring energy transition and Industry 4.0 in the Western Balkans

10 April, 2024IndustriALL Global Union and IndustriAll European Trade Union, supported by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) organized a workshop in Belgrade, Serbia, on April 4-5. The gathering brought together 25 affiliates from industrial sectors across the Western Balkans, including Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia. 

Cement factory death mobilizes Albanian trade unions on safety

23 November, 2018Trade unions in Albania rapidly organized a health and safety seminar on 18 November following the tragic death of a cement factory worker last month and an increase in the number of victims of workplace accidents and diseases in the country.