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Showing 41-50 of 55 results

Kazakh trade unions sue ArcelorMittal for not respecting collective agreement

20 September, 2017The Metallurgical Workers' Union Zhaktau and Mineworkers’ Union Korgau at ArcelorMittal Temirtau in Kazakhstan initiated a lawsuit against the company for failure to conclude a new collective agreement and for not respecting social benefits and guarantees of employees.

Kazakhstan: IndustriALL demands safety improvements after three killed at ArcelorMittal

1 September, 2017Three workers were killed and another three seriously injured on 31 August at JSC ArcelorMittal Temirtau’s Kazakhstanskaya mine in the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan. 

Kazakh court rejects union leader’s appeal for justice

6 October, 2017The Shymkent city court refused to satisfy the appeal of the trade union leader Larisa Kharkova sentenced to a four-year restriction of her freedom based on “power abuse” accusations as chair of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Kazakhstan.

Young unionists from Central Asia demand attention to youth policy

4 November, 2022Young union activists from the mining and metallurgical, oil and gas, textile and energy industries from Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan attended an IndustriALL forum called “Youth for new trade union prospects” in Kyrgyzstan on 27-28 October.

International labour movement campaigns for oil workers in Kazakhstan

12 December, 2013On 10 December, Human Rights Day, national and global union organizations together with the Association for Human Rights in Central Asia and web resource LabourStart launched a campaign for release of seven oil workers held in custody since 2012.

Kazakhstan needs genuine social dialogue

11 April, 2023On 4-5 April, IndustriALL Global Union and the mining and metallurgical trade union Kazprofmetal held a joint strategic activity on union organizing in Astana, Kazakhstan, for union leaders and activists from most of the country's metallurgical operations.

Unions unite for a Just Transition in the Caucasus and Central Asia

12 October, 2023IndustriALL affiliates from Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan met in Tbilisi, Georgia on 5 October, for a round table discussion on the Just Transition in the Caucasus, and Central Asia. 

Unions at ArcelorMittal demand that company puts workers first

29 November, 2023Health and safety, undermining collective agreements, lack of investment, weakening social dialogue, precarious and dangerous working conditions were key issues on the agenda at the ArcelorMittal global network meeting held on 16 and 17 November.

International campaign helps to free two more Kazakh oil workers

10 April, 2014Under the pressure of the international community two out of seven imprisoned workers were released. Three, including the only woman, Roza Tuletaeva, were alleviated of their conditions of imprisonment. They were transferred to the colony-settlement. However two people, Shabdan Utkilov and Kanat Zhusipbaev so far remain in jail.

EU should promote human rights in Kazakhstan

13 September, 2012Human Rights Watch (HRW) accuses Kazakhstan’s government and some companies of systematic violations of oil workers’ rights and suggests EU should pressure Kazakh authorities to improve the situation.