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Showing 21-30 of 169 results

Fighting for workers’ rights in South East Asia

14 September, 2020Unions in South East Asia are planning ahead for defending workers’ rights through struggle and advocacy, institutionalizing safety and health concerns in collective agreements, and building capacity for women and youth.

Unions urge Indonesian government not to drop labour rights

26 August, 2020On 25 August, thousands of Indonesian unionists staged concurrent rallies across the country, calling on the Indonesian government to drop the manpower cluster from Omnibus bill on job creation.

Indonesian government told to suspend Omnibus law

2 December, 2021After Indonesia’s constitutional court ruled the so-called Omnibus law unconstitutional, Indonesian trade unions are reiterating their call on the government to suspend the controversial Job Creation Law and related regulations.

Indonesian unions demand investigation of ITSS furnace explosion

3 January, 2024A huge explosion of the nickel smelter furnace at PT Indonesia Tsingshan Stainless Steel (ITSS) killed 18 mine workers and wounded 41 workers on 29 December, last year.

Indonesian women's committee gets safe houses

2 April, 2024The IndustriALL Indonesia council women’s committee successfully negotiated five workplace-level safe houses at Evoluzione Tyre Indonesia, Akzo Nobel Car Refinishes Indonesia, Sinar Tambang Artha Lestari, Indocement Cirebon Plant, and Semen Padang.   

Another explosion at Indonesian nickel plant injures workers

26 June, 2024An explosion at PT Indonesia Tsingshan Stainless Steel (ITSS) on 13 June left two workers with burns. It is the second explosion in six months at the same factory - the first killed 21 workers - and the union is calling for improved health and safety provisions.

Union win against Indonesia’s Omnibus law

1 November, 2024In a union victory, Indonesia’s constitutional court has granted 21 out of 71 petition points filed by unions concerning the controversial Job Creation Law and has ordered the government to enact a new law within two years.

IndustriALL inspired by Indonesian trade union victory

17 January, 2013IndustriALL is celebrating a significant victory of its Indonesian affiliates in the campaign against outsourcing and low wages.

Indonesian unions demonstrate their strength in unity

7 February, 2013One day after a massive rally in Jakarta, the leaders of 11 Indonesian unions affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union met and decided to create the IndustriALL Indonesia Council.

ICT, E&E unions focus on challenges of “Industry 4.0”

18 April, 2016Strong and sustainable industrial policy is required to tackle the challenges of the Industry 4.0, said unions at the IndustriALL Global Union’s steering committee on information and communication technologies (ICT), electrical & electronics on 6-7 April in Tokyo, Japan.