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Showing 101-110 of 114 results

Training future women leaders in South East Asia

24 May, 2016Eighty women workers in Cambodia, Myanmar and Indonesia have been trained in gender equality and leadership skills as part of IndustriALL Global Union’s gender-maternity protection project in South East Asia. 

Garment unions from across the world meet in Myanmar to share strategies

22 August, 2017Trade unionists from garment producing countries met on 14–18 August in Yangon, Myanmar, to discuss organizing in the supply chain and campaigning for a living wage.

Protecting workers in Myanmar

14 May, 2020IndustriALL affiliate IWFM has signed a framework for action with employers and ACT brands producing in the country, aiming to protect garment workers from the devastating impacts of the pandemic.

IndustriALL Global Union leadership calls on the military of Myanmar to restore democratic order and stop arresting, injuring and killing protesters

8 March, 2021Jörg Hofmann and Valter Sanches urge the military leaders of Myanmar to restore democracy and comply with international human rights norms now. IndustriALL Global Union and its affiliates stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Myanmar, who are protesting peacefully for their country. The arrests, injuries and deaths caused by military actions must end immediately.

Myanmar’s cyber security law threatens democracy and labour movement

18 February, 2021Myanmar’s military regime has introduced a draft cyber security law that gives them sweeping power to suppress and control freedom of information, as workers continue to protest against the coup across the country.

SPECIAL REPORT: Comprehensive sanctions on Russia: why not Myanmar?

31 May, 2022Despite the call by Myanmar’s trade unions for comprehensive economic sanctions against the military regime, many global garment brands continue to source from the country. The response of the international community to human rights abuses in Myanmar stands in stark contrast to the situation in Russia.

Violent attack against Myanmar unionists

15 September, 2022Five unionists, including two from IndustriALL affiliate Industrial Workers’ Federation of Myanmar (IWFM), were violently attacked and arrested by military security officers in Yangon on 13 September.

Striking Myanmar miners hurt military revenue

26 July, 2021Since the military coup in February, 4,800 miners have been on strike in Monywa township. The solid five-month strike has undermined the revenue of the military regime.

Repression continues at garment factory in Myanmar

12 May, 2022More than a year after the military coup d'état in Myanmar, the state-sponsored repression at garment factories in Myanmar continues. IndustriALL is reiterating its call for brands to leave Myanmar as due diligence is not possible in a military dictatorship.

EU must end preferential trade arrangement with Myanmar military

13 July, 2022IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll European Trade Union are calling on the European Union to take stronger action against the military junta in Myanmar, including the withdrawal of Everything But Arms (EBA) trade preferences.