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Showing 41-50 of 81 results

Jailed Korean trade unionist Han Sang Gyun receives FNV award

11 May, 2017Han Sang Gyun, president of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), was awarded the Febe Velasquez trade union rights award at the Congress of the Dutch trade union confederation the FNV.

IndustriALL Global Union Congress supports struggle against South Korean government’s crackdown on unions

7 October, 2016On 7 October, IndustriALL 2nd Congress adopted a solidarity resolution calling for an end to the South Korean government’s vicious attack on workers’ rights and democracy by weakening labour legislation, criminalizing protest and imprisoning trade union leaders.

Korea: victory for unions as President Park is ousted

10 March, 2017IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliates in South Korea today welcomed a decision by the Constitutional Court to oust President Park Geun-hye over her role in a corruption scandal. 

Hyundai: stop union busting at your suppliers

23 June, 2016Friday 24 June marks 100 days since 41-year-old Han Kwang-ho (pictured), a union organizer at a Hyundai auto part supplier in South Korea, took his own life.

Strong exchange and cooperation among Asian chemical unions

15 September, 2016IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in the chemical industry in the Asia Pacific region maintain their unity through strong union networks.

Support Amnesty International campaign for jailed Korean trade union leader

18 March, 2014Korean trade union leader and human rights defender Kim Jungwoo risks receiving a further prison sentence at an appeal hearing on 4 April. In jail since June 2013 for protesting in support of dismissed workers and their families, fears are mounting that he will be given a heavier sentence by Seoul High Court as part of a continued crackdown on trade unionists.

Korean metalworkers' warning strike

2 December, 2020On 30 November, over 80,000 metalworkers downed tools at hundreds of workplaces across Korea in a national warning strike against the government’s proposed labour law revisions, now in parliament.

Korean shipyard worker reinstated after 37-year struggle

20 April, 2022After 37 years of struggle, Korean unionist Kim, Jin-Suk has been reinstated at the Yeongdo shipyard in Busan.

Violent attack against Korean unionists must stop

8 June, 2023Two unionists from the Federation of Korean Metalworkers’ Trade Unions (FKMTU) were injured after they were violently attacked by Korean police.

Sixteen years of unwavering solidarity of Hyundai/Kia workers

13 October, 2023The global Hyundai/Kia union network meeting in Bekasi Indonesia, marked 16 years of unwavering solidarity of Hyundai/Kia workers across the globe. The meeting took place on the 10 and 11 October.