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Showing 21-30 of 391 results

IndustriALL and H&M national monitoring committee established in India.

16 April, 2019As part of the ongoing implementation of the global framework agreement (GFA), IndustriALL Global Union and H&M met to establish a national monitoring committee (NMC) in India.  

Malaysian law reforms must comply with ILO Convention on Freedom of Association

9 May, 2019Ahead of labour law amendments that will be tabled in parliament in July 2019, IndustriALL Malaysia Council organized a round of consultation meetings on the Trade Union Act 1959 and Industrial Relations Act 1967 to seek wider consensus on issues such as freedom of association, fair labour practice and collective bargaining.

Base metals unions determined to stay united against challenges

5 July, 2019Attended by around 50 union representatives from 14 countries in Sydney, Australia from 11 to 13 June 2019, IndustriALL Global Union’s base metals steering committee discussed challenges for workers in the industry and reaffirmed their commitment to international solidarity.

Freeport operations halted after fatal accidents

6 June, 2013Freeport McMoRan’s Indonesian copper mine will not be able to resume operations until a probe into a deadly tunnel collapse is completed in two to three months.

IndustriALL launches second issue of “Global Worker”

5 December, 2013The second issue of IndustriALL Global Union’s journal, “Global Worker”, was launched this week at the 4-5 December IndustriALL Executive Committee meeting in Geneva. Sign up to receive copies of the journal or view online.

ITUC launches petition to halt TPP trade negotiations

9 June, 2015The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), together with national trade union centres, is demanding transparency in discussions over the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)  — a free trade agreement currently being negotiated in secret.

The true cost of Olympic uniforms

18 July, 2012Recent debate in the US about Team USA’s Olympic uniforms being produced in China has sparked controversy on the trend of clothing multinationals resorting to cheaper production in developing countries. This trend is not new and continues to impact workers in low wage countries, Play Fair demands that multinational companies do more.

Stop precarious work on 7 October

5 September, 2012On 7 October, the World Day for Decent Work, join the IndustriALL Global Union campaign to STOP precarious work.

Unions are taking action to STOP Precarious Work

20 September, 2012Globally unions are mobilizing to STOP Precarious work. In Indonesia, Mauritius, Hungary, the Slovak Republic, Germany, Thailand, Philippines, Colombia, South Africa and many other countries, unions are telling IndustriALL Global Union how they plan to mobilize their members against this tide.

Flame for workers’ rights passes to Sochi and Brazil

19 September, 2012The 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games ended on 9 September, and the Play Fair campaign now shifts focus to ensuring future Olympic and World Cup events in Sochi and Brazil have concern for the rights of workers at their core.