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Showing 261-270 of 350 results

GM Daewoo fined for illegal use of dispatch workers

14 March, 2013The Korean Supreme Court fined Ex-GM Daewoo, subsidiary of the General Motors Company, President for the illegal use of dispatch workers. This decision should set an important precedent to protect workers from exploitation.

Honda Mexico cuts profit sharing with workers

17 April, 2013Despite a significant increase in productivity in 2012, Honda Mexico has announced a reduced profit share payment to workers, prompting an immediate strike.

JCM Spring Labor Offensive Status Report

11 April, 2013Every year in February, IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Japan Council of Metalworkers' Unions (JCM) participates in the Spring Labor Offensive, where they submit demands to management on wage and working conditions, and engage in collective bargaining.

Strengthening unity in IndustriALL in Asia

30 April, 2013Metalworkers’ unions from the Asia Pacific region discussed organizing, union building and improving minimum wages at a meeting aimed to strengthen unity between the unions under the banner of IndustriALL Global Union.

South African solidarity support for Nissan Mississippi Workers

6 June, 2013A weeklong visit to Numsa by a delegation organized by UAW in the US ended with a solidarity protest at the Japanese Embassy calling for union rights at the Nissan plant in Mississippi, USA.

German autoworkers get deal with Volkswagen

5 June, 2013IG Metall negotiated a deal with Volkswagen over increase of wages by 5.7 per cent in the next 20 months.

Hard-hitting WRC report uncovers abuses at PKC Mexico

19 June, 2013An independent investigation of the Finnish auto parts company PKC in Mexico found widespread violations of workers’ rights, including firing workers who tried to form an independent union and sexual harassment.

IndustriALL signs GFA with the Renault Group

3 July, 2013Industriall Global Union, the Renault Group and the Renault Group Works’ Council jointly commit to promote workers’ rights and sustainable development

Back to back strikes continue in South Africa

12 September, 2013As strikes in the gold sector and auto sector come to an end, workers in motor sector start strike action for better wages in a heated bargaining season for South Africa.

One strike off one strike on for Numsa

3 October, 2013A three week strike of fuel pump attendants represented by the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) has ended but a strike in the motor sector continues, now in its fourth week.