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Showing 31-40 of 341 results

Metalworkers give green light to IndustriALL

19 June, 2012800 delegates gathered at the IMF Congress in Copenhagen voted to join forces with mining and energy worker and create the new 50 million strong IndustriALL Global Union.

Recognition victory for Mexican metalworkers

19 July, 2012The protracted battle of Mexican metalworkers at DMI to organize into STIMAHCS finally ended in victory on 6 July, after a patient and determined fight that illustrates the barriers to trade union freedoms in Mexico.

Tenaris claims low production to fire workers

27 September, 2012Tenaris claims that there is low production in order to justify firing workers with high seniority and suffering illnesses.

Agreement reached at Tenaris in Brazil

3 October, 2012After a 24-hour strike, workers at Tenaris Confab voted to accept the proposal presented by the employer in the evening of 27 September 2012.

Rio Tinto poisons steel industry sustainability

14 June, 2012At the latest meeting of the OECD Steel Committee workers' representatives voiced concerns over the sustainability of the steel industry when major suppliers such as Rio Tinto continue to abuse workers' rights and ignore public warnings.

Favourable settlement reached on Evraz strike

13 August, 2012The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) has ended a month long strike at Evraz Highveld Steel and Vanadium after reaching a favourable agreement with the company.

IndustriALL questions Rio Tinto’s role in Paraguay

30 July, 2012Immediately resuming negotiations for a $4 billion aluminium plant in Paraguay following the coup d’état, IndustriALL Global Union calls upon Rio Tinto to publicly disclose its interest and involvement, if any, in the coup d’état in Paraguay and the ousting of a legitimately elected democratic government of Fernando Lugo.

Swiss unions demonstrate to save industrial jobs

25 September, 2012Thousands of workers gathered on 22 September in Bern, Switzerland demanding the industrial sector be saved. Four local unions called for the strengthening of the collective labour agreement (CLA) and secure jobs.

Gerdau Workers’ Network unites for rights in Colombia

2 November, 2012See the new campaign leaflet of the Gerdau Workers’ World Council, one of the most active worker networks of IndustriALL affiliates, taking united action to defend the rights of Gerdau workers in Colombia.

Pay rise for Austrian metalworkers

1 November, 2012Under difficult circumstances Austrian metalworkers win a pay rise of up to 3.4 per cent for 180,000 workers in this year’s bargaining rounds.