Understanding domestic violence10 December, 2020PART 1: "Domestic violence and the role of trade unions explained". Gaining a better understanfing of what domestic violence is.
South East Asia call to action to promote ratification of C19027 November, 2020IndustriALL affiliates in South East Asia pledge to negotiate collective agreements and to campaign for the ratification of C190 in every country, take actions against domestic violence, initiate programmes to eliminate violence against women and develop structures for advocating the ratification.
Domestic violence is a trade union issue25 November, 2020Domestic violence has increased during the pandemic, exacerbated by lockdowns and economic pressure. The new ILO Convention 190 is a key instrument, stressing that “governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations and labour market institutions can help, as part of other measures, to recognize, respond to and address the impacts of domestic violence”.
Argentina’s parliament in favour of ratifying C19023 November, 2020Argentina is one step closer to becoming the third country in the world after Uruguay and Fiji to adopt ILO Convention 190 on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work, after the Chamber of Deputies approved a bill for ratification.
Mongolian union fights sexual harassment at work 12 November, 2020IndustriALL affiliate MEGM is determined to fight sexual harassment at the workplace, calling on the Mongolian government to revise the country’s labour law to to protect women’s rights.
Workers picket over violence and nepotism in Mongolia16 October, 2020The first ever picket in Mongolia’s energy sector gathered more than 20 workers at the state-owned Thermal Power Plant 2 SSH Co. (TPP2) on 12 October, with protestors raising their voices over violence against women union leaders and rampant nepotism in the company.
Pakistan women rise against anti-women tendencies in media 30 September, 2020Anti-women and misogynist remarks made against female union leader Zehra Khan in a television programme sparked an all women protest in the city of Karachi in Pakistan, bringing together trade unionists, political party leaders and activists.
Thai unions campaign for ratification of ILO C 190 during pandemic17 August, 2020IndustriALL Global Union’s Thai affiliates have maintained their campaign for the ratification of ILO Convention 190 on Violence and Harassment during the Covid-19 pandemic. Since June, union leaders have lobbied government officials and educated members on the substance of Convention 190.
Unions in Africa campaign for ratification of ILO C19026 June, 2020African governments and unions played a leading role in the negotiations at the ILO leading up to the adoption of Convention 190 on violence and harassment in the world of work. Now, unions are campaigning for the convention to come into force and several governments are advancing the ratification process.
The role of Uruguayan unions in the ratification of C19018 June, 2020Uruguay was the first country in the world to ratify International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 190 to end violence and harassment in the world of work. IndustriALL affiliated unions played a leading role in bringing about the ratification.