Bárbara Figueroa receives the 2020 Arthur Svensson Prize 23 April, 2020Bárbara Figueroa, president of Chile's Central Union of Workers (CUT), has received the 2020 Arthur Svensson International Prize for Trade Union Rights in recognition of her commitment to fighting for social justice.
Mexican Senate approves labour law reforms 24 October, 2016On 13 October 2016 the Mexican Senate unanimously approved an initiative that amends Articles 107 and 123 of the Mexican Constitution, paving the way for a significant advance for workers in the country.
Uruguayan affiliates resolve to continue organizing11 November, 2016When evaluating the work carried out by affiliates UNTMRA, UOC and FOPCU during the three-year project period 2014-2016, the IndustriALL Uruguay national council unanimously approved a resolution to continue implementing organising activities in 2017 using their own financial resources.
Trade union centres oppose Colombian OECD membership 3 April, 2017Colombia’s trade union centres are firm in their opposition against the country joining the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), because of persistent attacks on basic rights.
Major strike at Escondida mine, Chile10 February, 20172,500 miners at the Chilean company Minera Escondida, owned by the Australian multinational company BHP Billiton, began a legal strike on 9 February after negotiations with the company broke down.
United congress elects leaders and looks for consensus on regional representation19 June, 2012The newly born IndustriALL Global Union elects its leadership and tries to reach consensus on regional representation on its executive body.
Lively debate strengthens IndustriALL’s trade union networks and GFAs18 October, 2012IndustriALL Global Union affiliates confirm their commitment on trade union networks and global framework agreements (GFAs), after lively and substantive debates at a thematic world conference in Frankfurt.
Trade unions in Brazil campaign against pension reforms19 February, 2019On 20 February, trade unions in Brazil will hold a national day to support universal, public social security and condemn plans to destroy the country's pension system.
Global #FreeLula protests11 April, 2019Demonstrations have been held around the world calling for justice and freedom for Brazil's former president Lula da Silva.
Brazil: protests against Ford plant closure14 March, 2019Workers at the Ford Motor Company plant in São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil, are continuing their campaign to keep the plant open and save their jobs.