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Showing 1-10 of 19 results

AMWU fights to keep Australian shipbuilding jobs

23 December, 2014Australian shipbuilding workers have stepped up protests against the national government over the future of navy shipbuilding, threatening thousands of jobs in 2015.

Unite workers at Babcock approve new agreement

4 April, 2014The labour dispute between IndustriALL UK affiliate Unite members at Faslane and Coulport royal navy facilities and their employer Babcock has successfully finished after three weeks of industrial action.

We will not work in these conditions!

30 June, 2014Workers at the ASENAV shipyards in Chile have voted to go on strike after the company only offered a 3.8% pay rise in stages. The union has taken action throughout the month, publicising the workers’ demands for better working conditions.

Building sectorial union work in Bahrain

11 May, 2016IndustriALL Global Union recently brought together key union leaders from metal, shipbuilding and energy sectors in Bahrain to look at ways of developing sectorial unions, in cooperation with the General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions (GFBTU).

Korean unionists alert world to deaths at Hyundai shipyards

18 November, 2015Trade unionists from Korea travelled 9,000 kilometres to Geneva, Switzerland to attend the United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights this week. They want to tell the world about the workers dying in the yards of the planet’s biggest shipbuilder, Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI). 

United for a sustainable maritime industry

1 November, 2021IndustriALL Global Union’s shipbuilding and shipbreaking action group adopted sector activities for the next twelve months and agreed to be united to promote sustainable maritime industry for a just future.

Banks and shipowners join campaign for the safe recycling of ships

24 November, 2017IndustriALL took forward the campaign for the safe recycling of ships at a series of recent meetings in The Netherlands.

One worker a month dying at world’s biggest shipbuilder

12 November, 2015Trade unionists from Korea will be at the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva from 16 – 18 November to sound the alarm on a growing number of fatalities at the world’s biggest shipbuilder, Hyundai Heavy Industries Group (HHI).

Korean shipyard worker reinstated after 37-year struggle

20 April, 2022After 37 years of struggle, Korean unionist Kim, Jin-Suk has been reinstated at the Yeongdo shipyard in Busan.

Korean metalworkers fight Hyundai shipbuilding merger

15 May, 2019IndustriALL Global Union affiliate the Korean Metal Workers’ Union (KMWU) and civil society groups have joined forces to oppose the merger of Hyundai Heavy Industries with Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering.