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Showing 51-60 of 301 results

Deadlock sets Turkish metalworkers en route to strike

21 January, 2020Around 130,000 members from three Turkish metal unions, Türk Metal, Birleşik Metal-İş and Özçelik-İş, are determined to continue their struggle for a fair collective agreement after negotiations fail. Unions are planning a strike next month, if a solution is not found. 

Unions in Colombia march against violence

3 December, 2019IndustriALL's affiliates in Colombia participated in rallies and protests held across the country to condemn the violence and the socio-economic policies of president Iván Duque.

Population out in force for general strike in Algeria

7 November, 2019Algeria is in the grip of a three-day general strike as almost half the population has stopped work across the country to demand democracy, liberty and workers’ rights, say unions.

Italian metalworkers strike for sustainable industry

4 November, 2019Members of IndustriALL Global Union’s Italian metal sector affiliates, FIOM-CGIL, FIM-CISL and UILM-UL, put down their tools for two hours on 31 October to hold workplace assemblies demanding urgent policies for a sustainable industrial future.

Georgian coal miners end protest over unpaid wages

27 September, 2019The situation of Tkibuli coalminers was been heard at the top national level. The prime minister of the country ordered the Minister of the Economy to visit the site and find a solution to the appalling situation of wage arrears.

Australian glass workers strike for a fair contract

20 September, 2019 Members of IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliates Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (AMWU) and Electrical Trades Union of Australia (ETU) as part of CEPU (Communications, Electrical, Plumbing Union) are on strike over three months at the Brisbane and Melbourne sites of the US-based glass maker Owens-Ilinois (O-I) for a fair contract.

Nearly 50,000 UAW workers strike at General Motors in US

18 September, 2019Almost 50,000 UAW members have stopped work in more than 50 General Motors plants across the US in the largest strike in the country’s auto sector in over a decade.

Los Mineros wins workers their share of profits from Grupo Mexico

19 August, 2019After 12 long years of strike action, Grupo Mexico has finally paid workers their share of profits. This is a major victory for Mexico’s Los Mineros union, an affiliate of IndustriALL Global Union.

Turkish glassworkers on strike over long-standing union busting

9 August, 2019Members of IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliate Kristal-Is are on strike since 26 July 2019 at Düzce Cam, one of the subsidiaries of Turkish-based glassmaker Okan Group in the town Düzce. Over a four-year struggle for union recognition, the glassmaker has used every union-busting tactics in violation of the national and international legislation, including dismissal of 80 union members and nominated union representatives.

Moroccan unions reject strike-restricting law

25 July, 2019Trade unions in Morocco have launched a campaign against a draft law that violates the constitutional right to strike in the country.