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Showing 71-80 of 90 results

South East Asia youth calls for integration in union training

17 September, 2024Young unionists from South East Asia met in Manila,14 September, and called on trade unions to recognize youth as catalyst for change and provide a 20 percent youth quota in routine union training.

New centre for Tunisia’s women garment workers

26 September, 2024A new women’s centre has opened in Tunis to support female workers in Tunisia’s textile and garment industry. Run under the auspices of Fédération Générale du Textile, de l'Habillement, Chaussure et Cuir - FGTHCC-UGTT and IndustriALL and sponsored by online retailer ASOS, the centre will support female workers around gender-based violence and health and safety, training and campaigning for women-related matters, especially ratification of C190.

IndustriALL women tackle AI bias and GBVH

13 November, 2024IndustriALL’s Women’s Committee met virtually on 6-7 November to discuss advancing gender equality across sectors. Standout themes were artificial intelligence (AI), due diligence, gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH), and an inspiring pilot mentorship programme. 

Unions push to ratify ILO Convention 190

4 February, 2021Since the start of 2021, three countries have voted in favor of authorizing the ratification of Convention 190 on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work.

Thai unions campaign for ratification of ILO C 190 during pandemic

17 August, 2020IndustriALL Global Union’s Thai affiliates have maintained their campaign for the ratification of ILO Convention 190 on Violence and Harassment during the Covid-19 pandemic. Since June, union leaders have lobbied government officials and educated members on the substance of Convention 190.

Zimbabwe: gender champions to curb sexual harassment at work

26 April, 2021IndustriALL affiliates in Zimbabwe met in Harare 20-21 April to launch a gender champions strategy to stop gender-based violence and sexual harassment at the workplace and in the unions.

Middle East and North Africa unions campaign for ratification of ILO C190

8 January, 2021An increase in gender-based violence during the Covid-19 crisis has led unions in the region to mobilize at an unprecedented level to demand that governments ratify ILO Convention 190.

Union fights sexual harassment at Hippo Knitting garment factory, Lesotho

17 May, 2021After reports that workers at Taiwanese-owned Hippo Knitting are subjected to sexual harassment and violence in the workplace, IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Independent Democratic Union of Lesotho (IDUL), are fighting back against the rampant violations.

UNION PROFILE: Collective action builds union power, says Rose Omamo

7 July, 2022When unions go on strike, engage in negotiations, collective bargaining, social dialogue, and social security, as well as campaign for workers’ rights and workplaces free of gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH), they do so as a collective. It is this collective that builds union power and where the strength of the union lies, argues Rose Omamo, the general secretary of the Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metal Workers (AUKMW), affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union. 

South Asia: increased space for women in unions is needed

22 June, 2022IndustriALL Global Union organized the South Asia regional women’s meeting in Kathmandu on June 16-17. Around 25 women trade unionists from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka participated.