KMWU concludes first industry-level transformation agreement with Korean employers19 August, 2021After four months of negotiations and a national warning strike, IndustriALL affiliate Korean Metal Workers’ Union (KMWU) has reached the first industry-level agreement on industrial transformation in Korea with the Korean Metal Industry Employers’ Association.
Myanmar and Korean workers strike to commemorate 1988 uprising12 August, 2021Myanmar and Korean trade unionists affiliated with IndustriALL Global Union joined a strike on 8 August to commemorate the 1988 people’s uprising that overthrew the military dictatorship, and to call for the defeat of the current regime.
IndustriALL Hyundai/Kia trade union network – a platform for global solidarity 8 June, 2021When the IndustriALL Hyundai/Kia trade union network met on 17-18 May, the question if ILO core labour standards will ultimately lead to transnational social dialogue at the Korean automaker was discussed.
Union campaign leads to South Korea ratifying core ILO Conventions5 March, 2021After decades of incessant union campaigning for international labour standards, South Korea has ratified ILO Conventions 87, 98 and 29.
Global steel company POSCO guilty of corporate manslaughter, says union7 January, 2021A pattern of fatal accidents at the global steel company will only be resolved when workers’ have the right to organize freely and participate in safety systems, says the Korean Metal Workers’ Union (KMWU).
Samsung must stop delaying collective bargaining22 December, 2020IndustriALL affiliate Federation of Korean Metalworkers' Trade Unions (FKMTU) calls on Samsung Group to stop using delaying tactics in collective agreement negotiations and to accept the union’s demands.
Korean metalworkers' warning strike2 December, 2020On 30 November, over 80,000 metalworkers downed tools at hundreds of workplaces across Korea in a national warning strike against the government’s proposed labour law revisions, now in parliament.
Nationwide demonstrations against regressive labour law in Korea18 November, 2020Tens of thousands of workers demonstrated across South Korea on 14 November, calling on the MOON Jae-in government to withdraw a regressive labour law revision and enact the “CHUN, Tae-il Act”, as workers commemorate the 50th year since the self-immolation of Korean labour martyr CHUN, Tae-il.
South Korean pharmaceutical workers condemn Zoetis12 May, 2020IndustriALL Global Union has stepped in to support its Korean affiliate, KCTF, whose members are victim of labour violations at multinational animal medicine company Zoetis.
Korean metalworkers fight Hyundai shipbuilding merger15 May, 2019IndustriALL Global Union affiliate the Korean Metal Workers’ Union (KMWU) and civil society groups have joined forces to oppose the merger of Hyundai Heavy Industries with Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering.