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Showing 311-320 of 323 results

Organizing along the battery supply chain

12 July, 2021Given the workers rights' violations and a low union density, coupled with an expected increase in battery demand in the next ten years, IndustriALL and affiliates have started developing a strategy for workers along the supply chain.

Indonesian Supreme Court finds in favour of Freeport strikers

8 December, 2021In 2017, the owners of the PT Freeport Grasberg copper mine in West Papua, Indonesia, provoked a strike of 8,300 workers. The company used the strike, which it said was illegal, as a pretext to fire 4,200. After years of legal disputes, the Indonesian Supreme Court has issued its final judgement: the strike was legal.

Unions campaign for decent work in artisanal and small-scale mining

1 September, 2022Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in Sub Saharan Africa is largely informal with over 13 million, mainly youth, working in the informal mines. In Zambia, ASM extracts cobalt, copper, gold, iron, manganese, nickel, lead, tin, zinc, nickel, and precious stones while in Ghana the main mineral is gold.

Unions on strike at South African gold mines

10 March, 2022The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union, and other unions, are on strike to push for wage demands after failed negotiations at Sibanye Stillwater gold mines.

Women mine workers share traumatic experiences on sexual harassment

7 April, 2022Gender based violence and sexual harassment continues to be prevalent in the mining sector in Sub Saharan Africa, according to testimonies by some of the 30 participants at a training workshop in Johannesburg 5-6 April.

Poland’s mines claim more lives

26 April, 2022Within a week, Poland’s coal mining region has been the scene of two deadly accidents, claiming the lives of both workers and rescuers. The tragic accidents show the urgent need for safe mining and Poland’s ratification of ILO Convention 176 on Safety and Health in Mines.

Unions needed to resolve challenges of climate change and decent work in mining

2 February, 2023IndustriALL is bringing a significant number of affiliated mining unions from Sub-Saharan Africa to the investing in Africa Mining Indaba and the Alternative Mining Indaba in Cape Town, South Africa, to discuss proposals for pathways to meet the challenges of climate change impacts in the mining world of work, as well as ESG impacts.

Global Reporting Initiative draft sector standard for mining released for comment

16 February, 2023The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an independent non-profit international organization which helps businesses and other organizations take responsibility for their impacts. 

Strategizing on advancing union power of white-collar workers in Ghana

28 April, 2023Eighteen white collar workers from Ghanaian affiliates organising in the energy, mining, chemical, oil and gas, and public utilities, met in Accra on 26 April to discuss how they can develop organizing strategies and build union power in their sectors.

Union win stops unfair retrenchments at Botswana diamond mine

8 May, 2023The Botswana Mine Workers Union’s (BMWU) win in an industrial court on 28 April has stopped unfair retrenchments at Lucara Botswana’s security department at the Karowe diamond mine, the same mine which unearthed “Lesedi la rona” (our light) in 2015 - the largest diamond to be discovered in a century. The mine has also dug three diamonds with over 1,000 carats each and sold “The Constellation”, an 813-carat diamond for a record US$63 million for a rough gem in 2016.