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Showing 131-140 of 144 results

Free and independent trade unions fight for workers’ rights in Iran

15 December, 2016In October, the Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI) became the first affiliate from Iran to join IndustriALL. The affiliation is a significant step in a country where unions are persecuted and trade unionists imprisoned. 

Peru: Manufacturing unions facing up to the challenge

8 January, 2019Peru is a bastion of orthodox neoliberalism, where institutions are weak and economic growth is all that matters. But IndustriALL Global Union affiliates (FENAIP, FETRIMAP and FNTTP) are fighting back. They recently agreed to form a national council in order to work closely together, and have planned a series of joint activities as part of a project funded by Union to Union. The two unions in the manufacturing industry are making gains for workers’ rights.

Gender equality: not just an issue for women

6 December, 2018It’s time to make gender equality a priority 
for the whole trade union movement.

JYRKI RAINA: Welcome to Global Worker

19 May, 2015"The IndustriALL family will continue its efforts to make sure that every worker can go to work without having to fear for being killed or injured.”

PROFILE: Industrial Chile Constramet’s leading role in the process of drafting a new Constitution

11 May, 2021Industrial Chile-Constramet celebrated 40 years of defending workers’ rights in December last year. The union is currently playing a leading role in a historic moment for Chile; the process of drafting a new Constitution.

PROFILE: Shipbreaking workers’ union moves forward in India

3 May, 2021The Alang Sosiya Ship Recycling and General Workers Association (ASSRGWA) is a successful example of organizing India’s informal sector workers. The union has contributed to improving wages, social security measures and occupational health and safety (OHS), in what is often called the world’s most dangerous industry. 

REPORT: Latin American unions look for ways to push for reindustrialization

7 May, 2021IndustriALL affiliates in Latin America and the Caribbean have come up with a sector-based political and union agenda to promote regional reindustrialization, focusing on sustainable development and ensuring a fair transition to a low-carbon economy

PROFILE: Struggle for democracy in Belarus

18 November, 2020In the last three months, Belarus has become known for the protests that started when the former president of the country, Alexandre Lukashenko, awarded himself 80 per cent of the votes in a widely contested election. Unprovoked police violence followed the rigged elections, triggering the protests.

UNION PROFILE: Collective action builds union power, says Rose Omamo

7 July, 2022When unions go on strike, engage in negotiations, collective bargaining, social dialogue, and social security, as well as campaign for workers’ rights and workplaces free of gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH), they do so as a collective. It is this collective that builds union power and where the strength of the union lies, argues Rose Omamo, the general secretary of the Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metal Workers (AUKMW), affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union. 

SPECIAL REPORT: Comprehensive sanctions on Russia: why not Myanmar?

31 May, 2022Despite the call by Myanmar’s trade unions for comprehensive economic sanctions against the military regime, many global garment brands continue to source from the country. The response of the international community to human rights abuses in Myanmar stands in stark contrast to the situation in Russia.